
Resveratrol and Prostate Cancer

Posted at August 3, 2009

Resveratrol Brings New Hope for Prostate Tumors
It seems like every few news cycles brings another welcome discovery about resveratrol, the wonderful antioxidant ingredient found in red wine, among other things.

Resveratrol, long touted for its contribution to our cardiovascular well-being, has been available in supplement form made from Japanese Knotweed for several years. It is also found in several other foods and plants, but not in the same concentration as it is in red wine and muscatine grapes.

Credited by many to possess a variety of different benefits, resveratrol even functions as an anti-inflammatory agent. New studies are consistently verifying some new important traits of Resveratrol.

The newest information is exciting as it announces effectiveness against prostate tumors and cancer.

You can¡¯t have a healthy family without a healthy dad.

Resveratrol Lowers Chance of Developing Prostate Tumors
The University of Alabama, among others, has done a study where they included resveratrol in the diet of mice. Some exciting results were found.

The group of mice given resveratrol had a much lower incident of the type of prostate tumors that are a quick-spreading carcinogen, than the control group who were not given resveratrol.

Resveratrol lowered the likelihood of developing these serious tumors, classed as poorly differentiated tumors, by eight times as much as the mice not given the supplement in their diet. Eight times less likely of developing the tumors is quite an exciting finding.

Resveratrol Slows Cell Division and Growth in the Prostate Gland
The target group of mice who were given resveratrol in the University of Alabama Study actually had a slower cell division and cell growth in their prostate gland than the group of mice who were not given the resveratrol.

This translates to a slower growth and progression of existing prostate cancer cells. What an exciting finding this is.

Resveratrol Provides Hope for Prostate Tumors and Cancer as a Whole
These findings are not alone in their substantiation of the media hype about Resveratrol.
It was originally focused on as the French Paradox because of the surprisingly positive cardiovascular health of French people despite their rich diet and use of alcohol and cigarettes. The factor that was determined to make a difference was their regular consumption of red wine.

The laboratory studies like this one are so exciting to everyone, not just those who have or might potentially develop prostate problems.

Help Protect the Men in Your Life
As soon as I read these wonderful studies I made sure to get some resveratrol for my Dad. He has been a wonderful man throughout my life, and has inspired me to stay fit and healthy.

I may be a bit of a Daddy¡¯s Girl, but I am OK with that as long as he lives to a ripe old age, free of prostate cancer and other nasty tumors.

Consider getting some resveratrol for your Dad, boyfriend, husband, or fiance today. Help them stay around for the long haul!

Cancer is a worldwide affliction and this research sounds promising that one day we can conquer not just prostrate tumors and cancer, but cancer of every kind. Resveratrol could be the answer to that solution, or if not THE answer, then part of the answer. Stay tuned.

Source From: http://resveratrolsite.org/resveratrol-news/resveratrol-and-prostate-cancer/