
Resveratrol Found to Treat Fatty Liver Disease (参考译文)





科学家早就知道酒精对肝脏的伤害是通过抑制两种蛋白质--- AMPK 和 SIRT1 的活动而形成的。这两种蛋白质扮演着很重要的角色,它们能粉碎脂肪并把脂肪从肝脏移走。当他们的活动受到中断,会导致脂肪积聚从而产生肝脏疾病,如肝硬化及肝纤维化,如不及时进行治疗,最终会导致肝衰竭。

最近的研究中,研究人员主要测试白藜芦醇对 AMPK及SIRT1 的直接影响。他们给予实验小鼠低脂肪膳食,并用白藜芦醇或酒精或二者的结合作为补充剂,然后发现用白藜芦醇与酒精结合作为补充剂小鼠比起仅以酒精作为补充剂的小鼠,有着更高的 SIRT1 水平和更活跃的 AMPK。





“尽管法国人的饮食跟美国人一样都是含有高饱和脂肪的,然而法国人的心血管疾病却只有美国人的三分之一”,Hershey 糖果公司的营养部总经理 Debra Miller 说,“后续的研究表明,适量的红酒摄入量,加上水果、蔬菜、坚果以及少量的红肉,可以减低换心脏疾病的几率。”

FDA 已经证明了每天饮用 1 – 2 杯红酒能有效降低胆固醇、减少患心血管疾病及癌症的几率。

白藜芦醇大量存在于葡萄皮、花生以及由这些东西制造的食物当中,例如是红酒和花生酱等。由Hershey 公司与 Planta Analytica 公司的研究中也首次发现可可制品当中亦存在大量的白藜芦醇。

 (NaturalNews) The naturally occurring plant chemical resveratrol -- made famous for its role in the health benefits of red wine -- may not only prevent but even reverse the dangerous buildup of fat in the liver caused by alcohol abuse.

"Our study suggests that resveratrol may serve as a promising agent for preventing or treating human alcoholic fatty liver disease," the researchers from the University of South Florida Health Sciences Center in Tampa wrote in the American Journal of Physiology -- Gastrointestinal and Live Physiology.

Scientists have known for some time that part of the way that alcohol damages the liver is by inhibiting the action of two proteins, known as AMPK and SIRT1. These proteins play a critical role in helping break down fats to remove them from the liver; when their activity is disrupted, it leads to the fatty buildup associated with liver diseases such as cirrhosis and fibrosis. Left untreated, this fat buildup can eventually cause total liver failure.

In the current study, researchers looked directly at resveratrol's effects on AMPK and SIRT1. They fed mice a low-fat diet, supplemented with either resveratrol, alcohol or a combination of the two. They then observed that mice that had been given both resveratrol and alcohol had higher levels of SIRT1 and higher activity of AMPK than mice that were given alcohol alone.

The higher levels and activity of the two key proteins led to a decrease in other proteins, specifically those involved in the buildup of liver fat. They also led to an increase in levels of the hormone adiponectin, which metabolizes fat.

When the researchers looked at the mice's livers, they found that the livers of resveratrol-treated mice produced less fat than mice that were given alcohol alone, and that this fat was also broken down more quickly.

Previous research has linked resveratrol to a decreased risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as to longer life and reduced age-related decline. Recent research, published in the Nutrition Review, found that it successfully reduced cholesterol and insulin sensitivity, and protected the nervous system.

Resveratrol is widely believed to contribute to the health-protective effects of wine, which are partially responsible for the so-called "French paradox."

"Despite eating a diet equally high in saturated fat as the typical American diet, the French were shown to have about one-third the level of cardiovascular disease," said Debra Miller, director of nutrition at candy company Hershey. "Continued research indicates that moderate consumption of red wine, along with fruits, vegetables, nuts and lower amounts of red meat, may contribute to this lower risk of heart of disease."

The FDA has approved statements that drinking a glass or two of red wine per day can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Resveratrol is found in high quantities in grape skins, peanuts and products made with them, such as red wine and peanut butter. A new study conducted by Hershey in partnership with Planta Analytica has also detected high levels in cocoa products for the first time.